23rd Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography - 5 to 12 August 2014 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Home Page

Program/Scientific Program



    MS-01 Phase Transitions in Functional Inorganic Materials and Minerals
    Co-Chairs Pam Thomas, Kazumasa Sugiyama
    Invited Speakers Nan Zhang, Semën Gorfman, Kenji Tsuda
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, AM2
    Description Phase Transitions in Functional Inorganic Materials and Minerals - All theoretical and practical aspects of phase transitions induced by external stimuli (temperature, pressure, electric and magnetic fields…) and their potential applications
    Focus Materials or Minerals


    MS-02 Recent Advances in Quasicrystal Research
    Co-Chairs An Pang Tsai, Janusz Wolny
    Invited Speakers Stefan Förster, Alan I. Goldman, Hem Raj Sharma
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, AM2
    Description Covers all aspects of research on quasicrystals with emphasis on state-of-the-art experiment and theory and on new and "hot" results. Should have a broad scope, but should coordinate the speakers with the other sessions on aperiodic crystals.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-03 Maximum Entropy in Crystallography
    Co-Chairs Masaki Takata, Sander Van Smaalen
    Invited Speakers Vincent Juvé, Eiji Nishibori, Sebastian Christensen
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, AM2
    Description Should feature any application of MEM to crystallography & new developments are particularly encouraged.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-04 Biophysical Characterization with Single Molecule Approaches
    Co-Chairs Xiao-Dong Su, David Hsiao Chwan-Deng
    Invited Speakers Peng Chen, Yujie Sun
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, AM2
    Description This session will present recent methods for analysis of functions of macromolecules that can be applied in conjunction with structural studies, focusing on single-molecule techniques.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-05 The Crystallography of HIV/AIDS
    Co-Chairs Alex Wlodawer, Wei Yang
    Invited Speakers Peter Kwong,Yong Xiong, Celia Schiffer
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, AM2
    Description This session will highlight the major advances in understanding HIV replication, infection, and interactions with the human immune system provided by recent structures of HIV and human proteins and their complexes.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-06 Time Resolved Spectroscopic Studies with Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser Sources
    Co-Chairs Federico Boscherini, Christian Bressler
    Invited Speakers Anders Nilsson, Makina Yabashi, Chris Milne
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, AM2
    Description This MS will cover time resolved spectroscopic techniques at storage rings and FELs. Time-resolved XAFS experiments have taken up momentum at SRs and FELs and now offer time-resolution in the 100 fs time frame, which is of high relevance for many chemical systems.
    Focus XAFS
    MS-07 Extending the Power of Powder Diffraction for Structure Solution
    Co-Chairs Yaroslav Filinchuk, Radovan Cerny
    Invited Speakers Dmitry Chernyshov, Christopher Wolverton,
    Cory Widdifield
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, AM2
    Description The MS will focus on structure solution of complex materials from high quality powder diffraction data, and on the assistance of other methods, both experimental and theoretical.
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-08 Small Angle Scattering for Magnetism and Magnetic Structures
    Co-Chairs Andreas Michels, Joachim Kohlbrecher
    Invited Speakers Sebastian Mühlbauer, Stephen Lee,
    Morten Eskildsen
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, AM2
    Description Scope: Small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering have a distinguished track record in the study of magnetism and magnetic structures. This session will focus on recent studies and opportunities for SAS. Topics will include ferrofluids, flux line lattices, superconductivity, skyrmions, application of neutron polarisation (incident and analysis).
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-09 In Situ Crystallography Under External Stimuli
    Co-Chairs Pierre Fertey, Dimitri Argyriou
    Invited Speakers Jerome Rouquette, Bruce Gaulin, Gregory Halder
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, PM1
    Description Xray and neutron scattering experiments under electric field, magnetic field or high pressure.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-10 Chemistry and Physics of Modulated and Composite Crystals
    Co-Chairs Artem Abakumov, Carlos Basilio Pinheiro
    Invited Speakers Sven Lidin, Carolyn Brock, Alexander Schmid Siegbert
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, PM1
    Description Structure as well as physical and chemical aspects of incommensurately modulated crystals and incommensurate composite crystals. Emphasis on results, interesting and novel structures, rather than methods.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-11 Structure Determination from Low Resolution Data: When the Going Gets Tough
    Co-Chairs Ivana Evans, Anton Meden
    Invited Speakers Stef Smeets, Kenneth Shankland, Olivier Gourdon
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, PM1
    Description Low resolution diffraction data is often a practical reality and may be the only information available. Using such data has its own set of challenges to maintain chemical and structural reasonableness in what may be the only known structure for a particular compound.
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-12 Crystallography and Physics of Low-dimensional Systems: Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, Topological Insulators and Superconductors
    Co-Chairs Boris Yakobson, Jean-Francois Halet
    Invited Speakers Vladimir Solozhenko, Vitor Pereira,
    Katsunori Wakabayashi
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, PM1
    Description Low-dimensional systems display a number of exciting physical phenomena and properties, the discovery of which has been honored with a number of recent Nobel Prizes and promise to revolutionary technological applications. Experimental and theoretical works reporting breakthroughs in our understanding of the world of low-dimensional materials will be presented in this symposium.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-13 Protein-nucleic Acid Interactions
    Co-Chairs Haiwei Song
    Invited Speakers Yonggui Gao, Xiaodong Su, Andrzej Joachimiak
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, PM1
    Description This session will focus on complexes between proteins and DNA/RNA. Note that there are separate sessions on "Structural biology of transcriptional and translational control", "Post-translational modification", and "Chromatic and Epigenetics" so those subjects should be avoided.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-14 Electronic Structure and Chemical Bond Information by High Energy Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy
    Co-Chairs Richard Strange, Pieter Glatzel
    Invited Speakers Mario Delgado-Jaime, Simo Huotari,
    Dimosthenis Sokaras
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, PM1
    Description RIXS and Hard X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) provide information on electronic structure that is complementary to X-ray diffraction. They can identify ligands, determine the chemical state of the metal site and some ligands and are very sensitive to X-ray damage. XES unlike XAS does not require a monochromatic X-ray beam and is thus compatible with a diffraction setup. This property is particularly interesting for crystallography at X-ray free electron lasers. The MS will review the state of the art, introduce the technique, present recent experiments (also at LCLS) and discuss future applications.
    Focus XAFS
    MS-15 The Role of Defects in Crystal Structure Formation, Organization and Stability
    Co-Chairs Olga Yakubovich, Sergio Pereira
    Invited Speakers Joke Hadermann, Paulo Ferreira, Ian Richardson
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, PM1
    Description Studies of isomorphous substitutions, atomic order/disorder at the long- and short-range level, real structures with defects and modulation, structural modularity (polytypism, polysomatism), growth twins, low crystallinity and disordered materials.
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-16 Structural Immunology: Innate and Cellular Immunity
    Co-Chairs Gregers Rom Andersen, Hao Wu
    Invited Speakers JiJie Chai, Ian Wilson, Katrin Rittinger
    Day and Time Wednesday August 6, PM1
    Description This session will present recent structures and associated functional studies of proteins involved in innate and cellular immunity, as well as complexes of these proteins with their targets.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules

    High-pressure Crystallography of Periodic and Aperiodic Crystals

    Co-Chairs Vasily Minkov, Clivia Hejny
    Invited Speakers Colin Pulham, Karen Friese, Anna Olejniczak
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, AM2

    Topics: Polymorphism in molecular and inorganic solids, quasicrystals at high pressure, anisotropic compression mechanisms, incommensurate structures at high pressure, complex elemental structures, interatomic and intermolecular forces at high pressure, hydrogen bond transformations, Fermi surface nesting.

    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-18 Magneto-structural Relationships in Molecular Compounds
    Co-Chairs Andrea Cornia, Barbara Sieklucka
    Invited Speakers Song Gao, Wojciech Grochala
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, AM2
    Description Relations between structure and magnetic ordering / magnetic anisotropy in molecular magnets, using neutron diffraction (polarised or not) or combined Xray diffraction and HF-EPR or magnetometry measurements. Understanding magnetic interactions in molecular compounds (intra and inter-molecular interactions).
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-19 Computational Methods for Charge Density Studies
    Co-Chairs Claude E. P. Lecomte, Piero Macchi
    Invited Speakers Alessandro Genoni, Benoit Guillot, Terutoshi Sakakura
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, AM2
    Description New computational methods and approaches for charge density studies are especially desired.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-20 Advances in X-ray FEL Coherent Scattering & Diffraction
    Co-Chairs Thomas Tschentscher, Changyong Song
    Invited Speakers Sébastien Boutet, Oliver Gessner,
    Jesse Norman Clark
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, AM2
    Description Coherent scattering and imaging techniques, such as coherent diffractive imaging, including both results and technique development towards the eventual goal of single molecule imaging.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-21 Post-translational Modification
    Co-Chairs Shuya Fukai, Ruiming Xu
    Invited Speakers Nobuo Noda , Xiaodong Cheng, Hao Wu
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, AM2
    Description This session will present structures and associated functional studies of proteins and complexes involved in post-translational modification and their targets, excluding "Chromatin and epigenetics".
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-22 Improving your Crystallography: Best Practices and New Methods
    Co-Chairs Zbigniew Dauter, Maskai Yamamoto
    Invited Speakers Randy Read, Gwyndaf Evans, Wayne Hendrickson
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, AM2
    Description This session will present foundations and recent advances in how to determine macromolecular structures, covering best practices for data collection, data analysis and structure determination. It can include how to choose what crystal to use, how to optimize data collection, how to collect the data, how to monitor and adjust data collection based on radiation damage, as well as new methods and algorithms for structure determination.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-23 In-situ Studies of Electrochemical Conversion and Storage
    Co-Chairs Karena Chapman, Torbjörn Gustafsson
    Invited Speakers

    Dorthe Ravnsbaek, Neeraj Sharma, Phoebe Allan

    Day and Time Thursday August 7, AM2
    Description Focus on batteries and fuel-cell electrodes.
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-24 New 3D Electron Diffraction Techniques and Their Potential for Structure Solution of Nano-and Micron Sized Crystals
    Co-Chairs Ute Kolb, Lukas Palatinus
    Invited Speakers Stavros Nikolopoulos, Tatiana Gorelik,
    Xiaodong Zou
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, AM2
    Description The focus of this session will be new research such as three-dimensional tomographic imaging and three-dimensional diffraction to determine the atomic structure and defects in small systems.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-25 Electron Density and Optical Properties of Materials
    Co-Chairs Jacqui Cole, Simon Grabowsky
    Invited Speakers Marlena Gryl, Benoit Champagne, Jay Bourke
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, PM1
    Description The derivation of optical properties of organic and organometallic materials from accurate electron density distribution measurements/calculations.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-26 Commensurate and Incommensurate Multiferroics and Magnetoelectrics: Structure and Properties
    Co-Chairs Radoslaw Przenioslo , Hiroyuki Kimura
    Invited Speakers Roger D. Johnson, Je-Geun Park, Noriki Terada
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, PM1
    Description Progress in understanding the connection between crystal structures, commensurate or incommensurate magnetic structures and electrical polarisation or the the magnetoelectric tensor in these novel materials.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-27 Advances in Experimental Techniques and Data Analysis for Science at Extreme Conditions at Synchrotron and Neutron Sources
    Co-Chairs Stanislav Sinogeykin, Simon Redfern
    Invited Speakers Konstantin Kamenev, Guoyin Shen, Hiroyuki Kagi
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, PM1
    Description Topics: Time-resolved experiments, dynamic compression, novel X-ray spectroscopy methods for high pressure experiments, novel crystallographic methods for structure determination at high pressure, multigrain analysis at high pressure, software for high pressure crystallography, pulse-laser heating in diamond anvil cell, new designs of devices for generation of high pressure, new techniques for in situ high pressure neutron diffraction, recent trends in large volume press instrumentation for synchrotron experiments, ultra-high-pressure experiments
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-28 Small-angle Scattering of Biological Macromolecules
    Co-Chairs Bente Vestegaard, Zehra Sayers
    Invited Speakers Dmitry Svergun, John Tainer, Savvas Savvides
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, PM1
    Description This session will present recent new methods and recent results for analysis of X-ray and neutron small-angle scattering data on biological macromolecules, including combined studies from crystallography and small-angle scattering.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-29 Enzymes and Macromolecular Machines. Dedicated to Louis Delbaere
    Co-Chairs Michael James, Marie Fraser
    Invited Speakers William Furey, Wayne Anderson, Miroslaw Cygler
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, PM1
    Description This session is dedicated to Louis Delbaere. This session will present recent structures and associated functions of enzyme, particularly focusing on structures of large macromolecular complexes that operate as molecular machines.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-30 Data to Knowledge: How to Get Meaning from Your Result
    Co-Chairs Wladek Minor, John Westbrook
    Invited Speakers John Johnson, Colin Groom, Torsten Schwede,
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, PM1
    Description Use of data base information to fully exploit the results of a new structure determination. The session will cover ways to find out if structural features in your structure have been seen before, ways to identify binding sites, active sites, ligands, ions and other features in your structure.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-31 In-situ XRD: Parametric and Symmetry Constrained Refinement
    Co-Chairs Robert Dinnebier, John Evans
    Invited Speakers David Wragg, Manuel Perez-Mato, Philip Lightfoot
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, PM1

    The MS will cover recent developments in methods aimed at increasing the useful content that can be extracted by Rietveld refinement.  The development of parametric methods gives the possibility of constraining refinements to chemically or physically plausible solutions, and of directly refining non-crystallographic parameters. The addition of symmetry constraints further reduces the number of refined variables to increase the feasibility and precision of increasingly complex problems using powder diffraction data.

    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-32 Graphene and Similar Systems
    Co-Chairs Angus Kirkland, Chuanhong Jin
    Invited Speakers Valeria Nicolosi, Kazu Suenaga, Jamie Warner
    Day and Time Thursday August 7, PM1
    Description This microsymposium will cover different aspects of the atomic structure including defects in graphene and related systems such as MoS2 as analyzed by a range of crystallographic methods.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-33 Symmetry Constraints in Magnetic Structure Determination: Experiment and Theory
    Co-Chairs Branton Campbell, Mois Ilia Aroyo
    Invited Speakers Dmitry Khalyavin, Václav Petříček,
    José Luis Ribeiro
    Day and Time Friday August 8, AM2
    Description The superspacegroup formalism and representation method particulized to the description of magnetic structures and investigations of phase transitions in periodic and aperiodic crystals. The role of syMaterials and Mineralsetry restrictions in the interpretation of experimental data.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-34 Crystals and Beyond
    Co-Chairs S. I. Ben-Abraham, Jeong-Yup Lee
    Invited Speakers Uwe Grimm, Lorenzo Sadun, Nicolae Strungaru
    Day and Time Friday August 8, AM2
    Description The frontiers of crystallography and diffraction theory. What is a crystal - i.e. which structures give rise to Bragg peak diffraction? Which potentially interesting and useful structures do not? How do we deal with structures that lead to singular continuous diffraction?
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-35 Hydrogen Bonding as a Crystal Engineering Design Tool
    Co-Chairs Chick Wilson, Kumar Biradha
    Invited Speakers Leonard R. MacGillivray, Jagadese Vittal , Gareth Lloyd
    Day and Time Friday August 8, AM2
    Description Focus on hydrogen bonding within the context of crystal packing, with particular interest in crystal engineering. This session could also include work in charge density and neutron studies.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-36 XFEL Macromolecular Crystallography
    Co-Chairs Gwyndaf Evans, Bill Weiss
    Invited Speakers Thomas Barends, Eric Xu, Michael Soltis
    Day and Time Friday August 8, AM2
    Description Serial crystallography, both nano crystal and more conventional crystal dimensions, is a growing field at the LCLS and SACLA XFEL facilities, with a rapidly expanding user base. This MS will be dedicated to reporting structural biology studies performed at the XFEL sources, potentially including time resolved and novel phasing results in addition to normal 3D structures.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-37 Structural Biology of Bacterial Secretion Systems
    Co-Chairs Konstantin Korotkov, Natalie Strydnaka
    Invited Speakers Susan M. Lea, Petr Leiman, Gabriel Waksman
    Day and Time Friday August 8, AM2
    Description This session will highlight recent structures of bacterial secretion systems and studies on their interactions with effectors and other proteins translocated through the secretion complexes.
    Topic Biological Macromolecules
    MS-38 X-Rays Techniques for Innovation in Industry
    Co-Chairs Krystyna Jablonska, Jeffrey Cutler
    Invited Speakers Fabia Gozzo, Thomas Wroblewski, Stephanie Monaco-Malbet
    Day and Time Friday August 8, AM2
    Description Scientists have developed many advanced techniques with implementation of photons for materials characterisation which can be used for innovation in industry. Therefore, research with photons has contributed to the development of a wide variety of products such as plastics, cosmetics, chemicals, building materials, life science and even packaging materials. The synchrotron based X-ray absorption, diffraction, tomography and scattering due to very high source intensity, wide range of covered energy, polarity of radiation are helping in the solving a current research and development issues. The MS will present the examples of such studies performed for variety of industrial technological problems.
    Focus XAFS
    MS-39 Meso-and Nano-structures Developed via Heterogeneous Interfaces
    Co-Chairs Dietmar Schwahn, Karen Edler
    Invited Speakers Wolfgang Tremel, Elena Rosseeva, Julien Cambedouzou
    Day and Time Friday August 8, AM2
    Description Scope: This ms will cover investigations of meso and nanostructures via heterogeneous interfaces. Topics will focus on large-scale structure investigation of Biological Macromoleculesmineralisation, inorganic templating, framework structures, Biological Macromoleculesmimetic materials and hierarchical materials.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-40 S-SAD and Other Applications of Soft X-rays in MX
    Co-Chairs John Rose, Manfred Weiss
    Invited Speakers Armin Wagner, Qun Liu, Meitian Wang
    Day and Time Friday August 8, AM2
    Description This session will present foundations and recent developments in the use of longer-wavelength data collection for macromolecules. It will include the use of Sulfur for SAD phasing and the use of anomalous scatterers with absorption edges at wavelengths significantly longer than 1A.
    Topic Biological Macromolecules
    MS-41 Electronic and Magnetic Phenomena at Extreme Conditions
    Co-Chairs Karen Friese, Karel Prokes
    Invited Speakers Kosmas Prassides, Paul Attfield, Hiroyuki Nojiri
    Day and Time Friday August 8, PM1
    Description Topics: Spectroscopic methods for characterization of magnetic state of solids at high pressure, magnetic phase transitions, magnetic syMaterials and Mineralsetry group relations and phase transition pathways, spin crossover, metal-insulator transitions, superconductivity, relaxor ferroelectric materials, Jahn-Teller effect at high pressure.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-42 Diffuse Scattering and Partial Disorder in Complex Structures
    Co-Chairs Richard Welberry, Marc de Boissieu
    Invited Speakers Philippe Rabiller, Marek Pasciak, Arkadiy Simonov
    Day and Time Friday August 8, PM1
    Description Quantitative studies of diffuse scattering and partial disorder in quasicrystals and other complex structures (modular structures, twins, large unit-cell complex metallic alloys, etc). Physical origins of partial disorder and diffuse scattering - frustration, atomic dynamics, phasons, dislocations, structural models with inherent randomness, singular continuous diffraction, etc.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-43 Supramolecular Interactions in the Solid State
    Co-Chairs Petra Bombicz, Masaki Kawano
    Invited Speakers Giuseppe Resnati, Elena Boldyreva,
    Hidehiro Uekusa
    Day and Time Friday August 8, PM1
    Description This symposium will look at preparing and characterising crystalline supramolecular systems. Emphasis should be placed on supramolecular interactions other than hydrogen bonding (which is specifically covered in another symposium), such as halogen bonding and other electrostatic interactions.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-44 New Detectors Enabling New Science
    Co-Chairs Takaki Hatsui, Heinz Graafsma
    Invited Speakers Hugh Phillip, Bernd Schmitt, Chris Kenney
    Day and Time Friday August 8, PM1
    Description The field of detector development is vital to most fields of crystallography and structure determination. The advent of new sources, particularly XFELs, is driving the development of a new generation of detectors. The goal of this MS is presentations of the many significant advances in detector technology since the previous detector MS in Osaka.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-45 Molecular Mechanisms of Therapeutics and Resistance
    Co-Chairs Alejandro Buschiazzo, Celia Schiffer
    Invited Speakers Natalie Strynadka, Enrico Malito, Stefan Sarafianos
    Day and Time Friday August 8, PM1
    Description This session will include structure-based drug discovery, structural studies of antibiotic resistance, and rational design of vaccines.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-46 XAS of Hydrated Metal Ions and Protein Active Centres in Aqueous Solutions
    Co-Chairs Ingmar Persson, Ritimukta Sarangi
    Invited Speakers Daniel Lundberg, Farideh Jalilehvand, Junko Yano
    Day and Time Friday August 8, PM1
    Description To present the real possibilities and limits of XAS analysis (combined with molecular dynamics, for example) in the study of the solvation structure of metals. This includes inorganic and organometallic metal ions, solvation effects on metalloproteins and high pressure interactions.
    Focus XAFS , Biological Macromolecules
    MS-47 Thin Film, Texture and Residual Stress Analyses
    Co-Chairs David Rafaja, Andrew Payzant
    Invited Speakers Christoph Genzel, Radomir Kuzel, Donald Brown
    Day and Time Friday August 8, PM1
    Description Application of diffraction in engineering and electronics applications.
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-48 Nanocrystalline Materials
    Co-Chairs E. Ringe, Rong Yu
    Invited Speakers Richard Palmer, Rowan K. Leary, Laurence Marks
    Day and Time Friday August 8, PM1
    Description At the nanoscale structures can be different, ranging from size-dependent phase transitions, surface reconstructions or different nanoparticle structures to phenomena associated with more surfaces or internal interfaces. This microsymposium will cover progress with electron. neutron and x-ray tools to better understand this.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-49 High Pressure Solid State Chemistry and Materials Synthesis
    Co-Chairs Vladimir Solozhenko, Haozhe Liu
    Invited Speakers Alexander Goncharov, Takashi Taniguchi,
    Youwen Long
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, AM2
    Description Topics: New hot high-pressure materials, nanopolycrystalline diamond and other superhard materials, hydrogen storage materials, noble gas compounds and other exotic compounds from high pressure synthesis, high pressure nitride synthesis, carbon dioxide sequestration at high pressure, superconductors, exotic forms of elements, high energy density materials.
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-50 Molecular Photocrystallography
    Co-Chairs Dominik Schaniel, Simone Techert
    Invited Speakers Thomas Elsaesser, Shin-Ishi Adachi,
    Philip Coppens
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, AM2
    Description This MS is focused on the developing area of the interaction of solid materials with light, and the introduction of the dimension of "time" into crystallographic experiment. It will cover the dynamics of spin crossover systems, solid state cycloaddition reactions, and time resolved crystallography.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-51 Challenging Macromolecular Crystals: Twinning, Aperiodicity, and Low Resolution
    Co-Chairs Garib Murshudov, Thomas Schneider
    Invited Speakers Harold Powell, Gloria Borgstahl, Nathaniel Echols
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, AM2
    Description This session will present foundations and recent advances in theory and practice for dealing with challenging crystals, including crystals that are twinned, diffract only to very low resolution, or that are aperiodic.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-52 Remote Controls for Crystallography at Synchrotrons and Neutron Sources
    Co-Chairs Ruslan Sanishvili, Brian Toby
    Invited Speakers Matthew Suchomel, Craig Ogata, David Hall
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, AM2
    Description The focus is on systems created to handle large numbers of samples from e.g. a mail-in programs, automated sampling systems, and high throughput crystallography systems. The session should also include remote “lab-to-lab” operation of instrumentation for data collection. Talks should focus on advances in technology for allowing remote data collection but should include practical information for users on the features of these remote systems and how they can use them.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-53 Disease Related Proteins
    Co-Chairs Menico Rizzi, Sandra Ribeiro
    Invited Speakers David Eisenberg, Jacqueline Cherfils,
    Filip Van Petegem
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, AM2
    Description This session will present recent structures and associated functional studies of proteins that are involved in disease, including human, animal and plant diseases. Note that there is another session on "Molecular Mechanisms of therapeutics and resistance" so topics in that area should be avoided.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-54 Biological Macromolecule Structures by Cryo-EM
    Co-Chairs Howard Young, Ingeborg Schmidt-Krey
    Invited Speakers James Chen, John Rubinstein,
    Elizabeth Stroupe
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, AM2
    Description This session will cover advances in single particle techniques and new structures of large biological macromolecules, which reveal interesting functional insight and push the limits of resolution.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental/Biological Macromolecules
    MS-55 Pair Distribution Functions: Measurement and Interpretation
    Co-Chairs Andrew Goodwin, Toshiya Otomo
    Invited Speakers Karena Chapman, Hyunjeong Kim, David Keen
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, AM2
    Description Furthering PDF as a tool for understanding functional materials.
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-56 Grazing Incidence Surface Techniques
    Co-Chairs Peter Mueller-Buschbaum, Alexander Hexemer
    Invited Speakers Stephan V. Roth, Naoya Torikai, Kevin G. Yager
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, AM2
    Description This session will focus on techniques and studies enabling large-scale structural determination at surfaces and interfaces. It is anticipated that ms topics will include advances using grazing incidence small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering, as well as X-ray and neutron reflectivity, reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and complementary methods.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-57 Macromolecular and Soft-matter Aperiodic Crystals (crystallography, growth and self-assembly, applications)
    Co-Chairs Thomas Russell, Tomonari Dotera
    Invited Speakers Yushu Matsushita, Stephan Foerster,
    Yasuhiro Sakamoto
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, PM1
    Description Studies of soft matter systems (micelles, polymers, colloids, nanoparticles, etc.) that form quasicrystalline and related novell phases. Experimental determination of structure and symmetry, degree/extent of long-range order, defects, using small angle scattering, TEM, and other tools. Theory of the stabilization mechanisms, numerical simulations, control of self-assembly, etc.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography/Biological Macromolecules
    MS-58 From Exo-planets to Explosives: Ices and Other Molecular Compounds Under Pressure
    Co-Chairs Hiroyuki Kagi, John Loveday
    Invited Speakers Masakazu Matsumoto, Malcolm Guthrie,
    Ioan Magdau
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, PM1
    Description The crystallography and physics of molecular materials under high pressure.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-59 The Role of Crystallography in Chemical Reactivity and Catalysis
    Co-Chairs Alessia Bacchi, Fernando Lahoz
    Invited Speakers Pance Naumov, Masaki Kawano,
    Guillermo Minguez Espallargas
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, PM1
    Description Use of complementary techniques to study chemical reactivity in solid state.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-60 Electron Crystallography and X-ray Powder Diffraction - Two Complementary Techniques for Structure Solution of Nano-and Micron-sized Crystals
    Co-Chairs Lynne McCusker, Xiaodong Zou
    Invited Speakers Ute Kolb, Dan Xie, Junliang Sun
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, PM1
    Description This session will explore the current state of the art in terms of combining electron based methods and x-ray powder diffraction to overcome the limitations of both; 2+2=5.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-61 The Beginnings of Biological Crystallography
    Co-Chairs Eleanor Dodson, Gil Privé
    Invited Speakers Brian Matthews, Phil Evans, Steve Harrison
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, PM1
    Description This session will present vivid historical remembrances of the early days of protein crystallography by the early practitioners in a way that connects these early efforts to the most recent accomplishments of structural biology.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-62 Symmetry and Isomorphism in Material Design and Crystal Growth
    Co-Chairs Tatyana Bekker, Antoni Dabkowski
    Invited Speakers Elias Vlieg, Jacques Huot, Radovan Cerny
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, PM1
    Description Symmety of crystal influences both, material properties and crystal growth process. To control crystal growth process, and ultimately - crystal quality, it is important to understand numerous related to crystal syMaterials and Mineralsetry phenomena which are observed during crystal growth - for both, inorganic and organic compounds.
    Crystal habit and kinetic effects like growth rate anisotropy can influence quality of bulk crystal grown from liquid and shape of growing crystal very often has to be controlled for practical applications. These difficulties are know to be enhance in the case of layered crystals, partially due to limits of the mass transport for different facets present on solid-liquid interface. Quite often phase transitions are observed during cooling crystals grown at elevated temperatures. Nucleation of a new phase can lead to various forms of twinning, creation of domains in ferroelectric, piezoelectric and magnetic materials, including exotic morphotropic phases (like in relaxor type ferroelctrics) are examples of syMaterials and Mineralsetry related phenomena which can significantly influence quality of crystal.
    Isomorphism is also one of the key concepts of crystallography and structural chemistry. Isomorphic substitution is a very powerful and flexible tool to control the properties of materials, stabilize their desired crystal structure and optimize the conditions of their synthesis. This phenomenon exists in various forms, such as isovalent/heterovalent isomorphism as well as cationic/anionic and combined cationic-anionic isomorphism, that are well represented among natural and man-made materials.
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-63 Industrial Applications of XRD / Powder Diffraction for the Mining Industry
    Co-Chairs Adrian Hill, Mattia Allieta
    Invited Speakers Andrew Beale, Hester Du Plessis, Uwe Koenig
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, PM1
    Description Application of XRD to process and quality control.
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-64 EXAFS Analysis at the Nanoscale and in Highly Disordered Materials
    Co-Chairs Sofia Diaz-Moreno, Jesús Chaboy, Alexei Kuzmin
    Invited Speakers Anatoly Frenkel, Clara Guglieri, Steve Baker
    Day and Time Saturday August 9, PM1
    Description To present the real possibilities and limits of EXAFS analysis at the nanoscale. To date, different papers have mainly addressed the existence of surface effects in terms of the reduction of the number of coordination. This is a controversial issue that needs clarification coupled with the analysis of disorder effects. Finally, what EXAFS (XANES) can really say regarding the existence of vacancies should be also an interesting topic.
    Focus XAFS
    MS-65 Charge Density for Drug Design
    Co-Chairs Cherif Matta, Birger Dittrich
    Invited Speakers Lou Massa, Christian Jelsch, Fernando Cortes-Guzman
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, AM2
    Description Recent charge density studies of molecules of pharmacological interest show the potentiality of such approach for the design of new drugs. The analysis of the topology of the electrostatic potential from theory or experiment enables for the prediction of the formation of chemical bonding or interactions and provides the basis for a rational drug design.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-66 Multiferroics and Other Multi-functional Materials: Synthesis, Properties and High-pressure Behavior
    Co-Chairs Edmondo Gilioli, Lars Ehm
    Invited Speakers Alexei Belik, John Bleddyn, Yuichi Shimakawa
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, AM2
    Description The aim of this symposium is to develop and strengthen the interactions between the fields of high-pressure crystallography, crystal growth and strongly correlated electron systems. Multiferroics are extremely interesting materials, with numerous possible applications. Their complex transport and structural properties make them a playground for the material science community. In this contest, the role of high pressure synthesis is fundamental both as bulk material, to stabilize metastable or highly distorted structures (mainly complex perovskite) and as single crystals, to correlate the structural properties and the magnetic and electric coupling.
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-67 Organic and Inorganic Multi-component Crystals: Structure and Properties
    Co-Chairs Ashwini Nangia, Delia Haynes
    Invited Speakers Andreas Lemmerer, Tomislav Friscic,
    Norimitsu Tohnai
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, AM2
    Description Co-crystals with focus on structure-property relationships. These could include altered stability, dissolution or other properties for compounds of agrochemical, pharmaceutical or other industrial interest.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-68 Spreading the Word. Introducing Crystallography to the Public
    Co-Chairs Eric Reinheimer, JuanMa Garcia Ruiz
    Invited Speakers Alessia Bacchi, Fermin Otálora, Ulrich Griesser
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, AM2
    Description This MS will provide a platform for speakers to present on a wide variety of topics, from technology, to K-16 education and outreach, to community engagement, to post-baccalaureate innovations. We hope that this will also showcase efforts ongoing during the IYCr.
    Focus Crystallographic Education
    MS-69 Hot Structures I
    Co-Chairs Daniela Stock, Maria Armenia Carrondo
    Invited Speakers Alice Vrielink, Özkan Yildiz, Alan Brown
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, AM2
    Description This session will present recent hot macromolecular structures and associated functional studies.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-70 Biological Electron Crystallography
    Co-Chairs Daneng Wang, Werner Kuhlbrandt
    Invited Speakers Stefan Raunser, Cristina Paulino, Tamir Gonen
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, AM2
    Description This microsymposium will address technical advances in and interesting structures determined by two dimensional electron crystallography.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental/Biological Macromolecules
    MS-71 Simultaneous Methods with SAS (i.e. simultaneous in situ small-angle scattering and other measurements)
    Co-Chairs Wim Bras, Satoshi Koizumi
    Invited Speakers Kohji Tashiro, Bo Iversen, Sylvio Haas
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, AM2
    Description There are significant advantages in conducting complementary measurements simultaneously with small-angle scattering. The MS will focus on instrumentation for, or utilisation of, techniques used at the same time with small-angle scattering. Examples include, but are not limited to, differential scanning calorimetry, viscometry, tensile studies and spectroscopic methods. Submissions concerning the development of novel sample environments or techniques enabling simultaneous SAS are also welcome.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-72 Methods, Algorithms and Software for Powder Diffraction
    Co-Chairs Ryoko Oishi-Tomiyasu, Jon Wright
    Invited Speakers

    Ryoko Oishi-Tomiyasu, Reinhard Neder,

    Takashi Ida

    Day and Time Sunday August 10, AM2
    Description Phase identification or crystal structure determination from powder diffraction data rely on lattice characterization (both cell parameters, metric symmetry), which due to mathematical and experimental problems reveals some instability and thus interferes with the next steps of the analytical process. This is especially important in recent automated diffractometers, which should give stable results without human intervention. The robust identification of Bravais lattices and lookup of unit cell parameters in databases would be improved if a reduction of both instability sources could be achieved. Thus, advances in autoindexing of diffraction patterns, improvements of cell reduction.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-73 Cross-disciplinary Investigations of Structural and Magnetic Properties of Materials by Solid State NMR and Diffraction Techniques
    Co-Chairs Jean-Michel Gillet, Francis Taulelle
    Invited Speakers Luis Mafra, Nicolas Claiser, Frank Haarmann
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, PM1
    Description The MS will compare the information provided on the electronic structure of materials by different techniques such as solid state NMR, Xray, gamma, electron or neutron diffraction.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-74 Mineralogical Crystallography
    Co-Chairs Patrick Mercier, Ron Peterson
    Invited Speakers Frank Hawthorne, Wulf Depmeier,
    Bryan Chakoumakos
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, PM1
    Description Mineralogical Crystallography - All aspects of the field and related synthetic inorganic structures ranging from the synthesis and crystal growth to the characterization of the structures and properties, through modelling and development of new methods.
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-75 Simulated and Experimental Structures in MOF
    Co-Chairs Felipe Gandara, Thomas Douglas Bennett
    Invited Speakers Stephen Moggach, Shuhei Furukawa,
    George Shimizu
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, PM1
    Description Complementary use of molecular simulation and experimental PXRD to solve and refine the structure of large pore MOFs. Molecular optimization; geometrical optimization. Emphasis is not on properties of MOFs but rather on structure determination.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-76 Two Dimensional X-ray Diffraction
    Co-Chairs Thomas Blanton, Joseph Reibenspies
    Invited Speakers Alejandro Rodrigues-Navarro, Bob He,
    Patrik Ahvenainen
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, PM1
    Description Two-dimensional X-ray diffraction is an ideal, non-destructive, analytical method for examining many materials, such as metals, polymers, ceramics, semiconductors, thin films, coatings, paints, biomaterials and composites for material science research, molecular structure determination and polymorphism study for drug discovery and processing, and samples with micro volume or micro-area for forensic analysis and archaeology analysis. A two-dimensional diffraction pattern contains abundant information about the atomic arrangement, microstructure and defects in a material. In recent years, the use of two-dimensional detector based diffractometers has dramatically increased in academic, government, and industrial laboratories. This symposium covers the fundamentals and recent advances in two-dimensional X-ray diffraction, including theory, geometry convention, 2D data interpretation and evaluation, instrumentation and various applications, such as phase identification, texture, stress, microstructure analysis, crystal size, crystallinity and thin film analysis.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-77 Techniques and Insights into Macromolecular Crystallization
    Co-Chairs Joseph Ng, Janet Newman
    Invited Speakers Edward Snell, James Holton, Christopher Kupitz
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, PM1
    Description This microsymposium is focused on tools, techniques and technologies that advance the science and success rate of producing X-ray diffraction quality crystals from macromolecules.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-78 Hot Structures II
    Co-Chairs Stephen Burley, Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson
    Invited Speakers Matthias Haffke, Irmgard Sinning, Raymond Hui
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, PM1
    Description This session will present recent hot macromolecular structures and associated functional studies.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-79 In Operando and Structure Evolution - From Atomic to Micron
    Co-Chairs Vanessa Peterson, Christine Papadakis
    Invited Speakers Toru Ishigaki, Ezzeldin Metwalli, Andrew Allen
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, PM1
    Description This session will be dedicated to structural evolution and in operando studies from the atomic scale to the micron scale. Examples may include polymer phase separation, nucleation and growth, thermal shock, battery discharge. Pushing the boundaries of time resolution as well as studies utilising multiple techniques or studying multiple lengthscales (e.g. SAXS/WAXS) are particularly welcome.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-80 Biomolecular Systems Under Pressure - In Memory of Roger Fourme
    Co-Chairs Nick Brooks, Thierry Prangé
    Invited Speakers Sol Gruner, Nobuhisa Watanabe, Oscar Ces
    Day and Time Sunday August 10, PM1
    Description Topics: Experimental approaches to macromolecular crystallography at high pressure, multi-technique approaches, pressure-induced polymorphism of macromolecules, pressure effects on enzyme activity, high-pressure behavior of aminoacids, Biological Macromoleculesmimetics.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-81 Pushing the Boundaries of Aperiodic Magnetic & Crystal Structure Solution
    Co-Chairs Vaclav Petricek, Walter Steurer
    Invited Speakers Veit Elser, Eiji Abe, Philipe Boullay
    Day and Time Monday August 11, AM2
    Description State-of-the-art methods for magnetic and structural solution, applicable to aperiodic crystals. Novell phase retrieval algorithms, charge flipping, set projection, maximumm entropy, etc. Different approaches for the description and characterization of magnetic and other nontrivial order in aperiodic crystals.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-82 Ultimate Resolution and Neutron Crystallography
    Co-Chairs Svetlana Antonyuk, Mathew Blakeley
    Invited Speakers Zbigniew Dauter, Andrey Kovalevsky,
    Alberto D. Podjarny
    Day and Time Monday August 11, AM2
    Description This session will focus on what can be learned from structures of macromolecules that show locations of hydrogens either from very high-resolution x-ray diffraction or from neutron diffraction.
    Topic Biological Macromolecules
    MS-83 Structure and Properties in Functional Coordination Compounds
    Co-Chairs Reza Kia, Simon Coles
    Invited Speakers Michael Zaworotko, Mark Elsegood, Andrew Burrows
    Day and Time Monday August 11, AM2
    Description Including MOFs, zeolites and other functional coordination compounds. Emphasis on properties and applications rather than structure determination alone.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-84 Crystallography Education and Training in the 21st Century: New Pedagogies, New Paradigms Part I
    Co-Chairs Clyde Smith, Tim Gruene
    Invited Speakers Erin Wasserman, Bernhard Rupp, Horst Puschmann
    Day and Time Monday August 11, AM2
    Description Crystallography Education and Training in the 21st Century: New Pedagogies, New Paradigms.
    Focus Crystallographic Education
    MS-85 Enzymes and macromolecular machines - part 2. Dedicated to Louis Delbaere
    Co-Chairs Shaun Lott, Marina Mapelli
    Invited Speakers Zongchao Jia, Neil McDonald, Gerald Audette
    Day and Time Monday August 11, AM2
    Description This session is dedicated to Louis Delbaere. This session will present recent structures and associated functions of enzyme, particularly focusing on structures of large macromolecular complexes that operate as molecular machines.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-86 IYCr
    Co-Chairs Michele Zema, Louise Dawe
    Invited Speakers Leopoldo Suescun, Jagadese Vittal, Claude Lecomte
    Day and Time Monday August 11, AM2
    Description IYCr2014 aims to improve public awareness of the field, boost access to instrumentation and high-level research, nurture locally-trained crystallographers in developing nations, and increase international collaborations for the benefit of future generations. Work towards these objectives is being accomplished by the IUCr-UNESCO OpenLab, a network of crystallographic laboratories based mainly in Africa, Asia and South America, and implemented in partnership with industry. Pioneered by the IUCr Africa Initiative in Crystallography, OpenLabs will facilitate hands-on training for students in modern research techniques. Summit meetings, intended to bring together scientists from widely separated parts of the world, will be held in Karachi (Pakistan), Campinas (Brazil) and Bloemfontein (South Africa). These meetings, to be attended by academics, industry and by science administrators, will focus on high-level science, and also highlight the difficulties of conducting competitive research in the developing world. A worldwide crystal-growing competition aimed at attracting and inspiring children is also taking place.
    Focus IYCr
    MS-87 Industrial and Technological Applications of Small-Angle Scattering
    Co-Chairs U-Ser Jeng, Ritva Serimaa
    Invited Speakers Lynne Thomas, Karen Edler, Hiroyasu Masunaga
    Day and Time Monday August 11, AM2
    Description Scope: SAS methods are widely used across a range of disciplines. This session is designed to focus on where SAS has been applied to characterise and/or develop systems of significant industrial or technological importance. It is anticipated that submissions could include topics as broad as food, the environment, catalysis, functional polymers, medicine and healthcare.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-88 Liquids, Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Solids at Extreme Conditions
    Co-Chairs Yoshinori Katayama, Dennis Klugg
    Invited Speakers Nobumasa Funamori, Chris J. Benmore,
    Christoph Salzmann
    Day and Time Monday August 11, AM2

    Topics: determination of structure of glasses and liquids from total scattering experiments, reverse Monte Carlo modeling, quantitative in situ density determination for glasses and liquids at high pressure, effects of grain size on physical properties and phase diagrams, ultrasonic in situ measurements on glasses and liquids at high PT, pressure-induced amorphisation, memory glasses, core-shell nanomaterials at extreme conditions.

    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-89 High Resolution Charge Density Using SR
    Co-Chairs Yu-Sheng Chen, Bo Iversen
    Invited Speakers Jens Als Nielsen, Simon Grabowsky,
    Jacob Overgaard
    Day and Time Monday August 11, PM1
    Description Recent advances in high resolution charge density determinations using synchrotron radiation.Comparative studies using conventional Xray and different SR sources.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation/Chemical Crystallography
    MS-90 Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Ordering: From Fundamental Physics to Functionality
    Co-Chairs Yuichi Shimakawa, Paul Attfield
    Invited Speakers John E. Greedan, Manuel Angst,
    Yoshiyuki Inaguma
    Day and Time Monday August 11, PM1
    Description Charge, orbital and magnetic ordering phenomena in complex oxides and related materials, studied by X-ray and neutron scattering and other techniques.
    Focus Materials or Minerals, Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-91 Structure of Metal Compounds Mimicking Protein Active Sites
    Co-Chairs Christine Cardin, Pat McArdle
    Invited Speakers Carola Schulzke, Gregory Rohde, James Hall
    Day and Time Monday August 11, PM1
    Description This symposium is aimed at the wide range of metal-containing compounds which serve as model systems for protein active sites. May include synthesis and properties, with a focus on structure-property relationships.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-92 Crystallography Education and Training in the 21st Century: New Pedagogies, New Paradigms Part II
    Co-Chairs Saulius Grazulis, Amy Alexis Sarjeant
    Invited Speakers Peter Moek, Graciela Diaz De Delgado, Louise Dawe
    Day and Time Monday August 11, PM1
    Description Crystallography Education and Training in the 21st Century: New Pedagogies, New Paradigms
    Focus Crystallographic Education
    MS-93 Structural Biology of Transcriptional and Translational Control
    Co-Chairs Leemor Joshua-Tor, Min Yao
    Invited Speakers Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Carlos Fernandez-Tornero, Ian MacRae
    Day and Time Monday August 11, PM1
    Description This session will include presentations on structures of proteins and RNAs involved in regulation of transcription and translation.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-94 Recent Development of Widegap Materials; Semiconductor and Oxides
    Co-Chairs Detlef Klimm, Yusuke Mori
    Invited Speakers Siddha Pimputkar, Takayoshi Oshima, Michael Lorenz
    Day and Time Monday August 11, PM1
    Description This microsymposium is focusing on crystal growth, characterization and devices of widegap semiconductors such as GaN, AlN and SiC. The crystals play an important role for energy and environment in the world in the present time. The minisymposium will contain topics of crystal growth including physical vapor transport (PVT), liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and etc., and characterization using X-ray by synchrotron radiation and atomic force microscopy. Moreover, characterization of devices using the widebandgap semiconductors in operation condition will be discussed.  Furthermore, several metal oxides such as ZnO, β-Ga2O3, In2O3, SnO2 are semiconductors, but their application for active electronic devices is still scarce. ZnO based varistor ceramics are an example where p-n junctions are created between the n-type ZnO grain and the heavily doped (typically Bi3+) p-type intergrain matrix. Indium-tin oxide (ITO) or Al3+,Ga3+:ZnO have wide applications as transparent conducting electrodes for photovoltaics or flat-panel displays. Interfaces between SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 show extreme high electron mobility exceeding 10,000 cm2/Vs at low temperatures. So far, the following points are established: (1) Transparent conducting oxides (TCO’s) and transparent semiconducting oxides (TSO’s) are with a few exceptions available as polycrystals or thin layers only; (2) transport properties are significantly governed by surface structure and electronic surface states; (3) most TCO’s are intrinsic n-type semiconductors and p-type doping is either impossible, or possible only at surfaces or other defects; (4) the previous point has some exceptions: CuAlO2, SnO, and a few other materials are p-type. It is the aim of the proposed microsymposium to focus the attention of the crystallographic community on this promising group of materials. Special attention should be put on the following issues: structural defects (origin and influence on electronic properties), surfaces and interfaces (electronic surface states, reconstruction), epitaxy (perhaps the only promising way to create p-n junctions in TSO’s), phase transformations (e.g. the ferroelectric transformation of SrTiO3).
    Focus Materials or Minerals
    MS-95 Symmetry and its Generalisations in Science and Art
    Co-Chairs M.A. Louise de la Penas, Emil Makovicky
    Invited Speakers Boris Zhilinskii, Christophe Golé,
    Celerino Abad-Zapatero
    Day and Time Monday August 11, PM1
    Description Symmetry underpins Nature in all its expressions, from the structure of minerals building a rock to the complex assembly of biological macromolecules, from the morphology of crystals and living beings to the fundamental properties of elementary particles. Crystal engineering and drug-design rely on symmetry to develop new devices and compounds with target properties. Works of art and architectural realisations mimic Nature or takes inspiration from its symmetry patterns, which however often go beyond classical space-group symmetry to include colour symmetry, local and partial operations (groupoid symmetry), subperiodic and sectional groups as well as symmetry in non Euclidean geometry. The purpose of this microsymposium is to draw attention on some of these generalised symmetries, especially those less commonly approached by crystallographers in their daily work, and to present examples taken from Nature, man-made works, art and architecture where these symmetries play an important role.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-96 New Computational Approaches to Structure Solution and Refinement
    Co-Chairs Richard Cooper, Lukas Palatinus
    Invited Speakers George Sheldrick, Matt Tucker, Todd Yeates
    Day and Time Monday August 11, PM1
    Description New computational methods and approaches for all structural fields of crystallography.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-97 Quantitative Electron Imaging and Composition: Applications to Crystallographic Problems
    Co-Chairs Jainmin Zuo, Karla Balzuweit
    Invited Speakers Colin Ophus, Jing Zhu, Christian Dwyer
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, AM2
    Description With the increasing signal and resolution in aberration corrected instruments, the door has opened to new methods of imaging atomic positions with picometer accuracy as well as chemical and electronic structure atom-by-atom.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-98 X-ray, Muon and Neutron Studies of Magnetic Structure in Materials
    Co-Chairs Youchi Murakami, Oksana Zaharko
    Invited Speakers Arsen Gukasov, Hajime Sagayama,
    Vladimir Pomjakushin
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, AM2
    Description Synchrotron X-rays and neutron probes are used in a complimentary fashion for a range of structure studies, such as magnetic structure. Muons are a powerful probe to detect very small local magnetic moments, complimenting the neutron and synchrotron probes for average magnetic structure. The complementary use of these probes is effective to reveal complicated magnetic structures like magnetically frustrated systems.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-99 Non Ambient Crystallographic Studies of Nanoporous Materials
    Co-Chairs Stephen Moggach, Lee Brammer
    Invited Speakers John Parise, Masaki Takata, Len Barbour
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, AM2
    Description Intended to include all forms of non-ambient conditions (temperature, pressure, atmosphere) in organic and metal-organic porous materials.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-100 Beginner's Guide to Validation of Crystallographic Results
    Co-Chairs Bernard Santarsiero, Bernhard Rupp
    Invited Speakers Sameer Velankar, Ed Pozharski, Heping Zheng
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, AM2
    Description This is intended as a tutorial session on validation: what is validation, what are the key criteria for validation of small-molecule and macromolecular structures, how to interpret a validation result including expected values and how to identify what is an error and what is a an unusual feature, and what to do next if errors or unusual situations are found. A variety of software tools for validation and the tools provided by archives such as the PDB will be described.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-101 Membrane Protein Structure, Function, and Dynamics
    Co-Chair David Drew
    Invited Speakers Simon Newstead, Jian Payandeh, Timm Maier
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, AM2
    Description This session will present recent structures and associated functional studies of membrane proteins.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-102 Structural Bioinformatics
    Co-Chairs Adam Godzik, Balaji Prakash
    Invited Speakers tbc
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, AM2
    Description This session will show how bioinformatics can help before you solve your structure. It will show how to choose what part of your molecule to express and crystallize and how to choose mutants to crystallize. It will help you learn whether parts of your molecule are likely to be disordered. It will help identify whether a low-sequence identity homologue of your target protein is really a good structure to solve.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-103 Spectroscopic Approaches (XAFS, XANES, NMR, ...) in Crystallography
    Co-Chairs Maseo Tabuchi, Carlo Lamberti
    Invited Speakers Charlotte Martineau, John J. Rehr, Mikhail Soldatov
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, AM2
    Description Many spectroscopic techniques are naturally complementary with crystallographic methods. Multiple Wavelength Anomalous Dispersion is intrinsically a combined XRD/XAS technique, for example. XAFS and XANES combine to give detailed information on dynamical bonding, dynamical versus static disorder, oxidation and coordination number of active or intermediate states which complement other techniques extremely well. Further, XAFS and XANES combine well with IR to probe detailed molecular dynamics.
    Focus XAFS
    MS-104 Crystal Structure Prediction and Materials Design
    Co-Chairs Roman Martonak, Tian Cui
    Invited Speakers Qiang Zhu, Rajeev Ahuja, John Tse
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, AM2
    Description Crystal structure prediction, a central problem in crystallography, was widely considered as an intractable problem and a stumbling block to computational materials design. With recent developments, this problem has become tractable, and a new scientific revolution is on its way. The ability to predict crystal structures allows one to predict materials with desired physical properties and one can expect this approach to take over the traditional trial-and-error laboratory approach to materials discovery. This symposium will present the most recent achievements in this booming field - from exotic compounds at extreme conditions to the design of novel functional materials to drug design.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-105 Frustration, Topology and Chirality in Metals and Complex Oxides
    Co-Chairs Taku J. Sato, Laurent Chapon
    Invited Speakers Collin Broholm, Shinichiro Seki, Isabelle Mirebeau
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, PM1
    Description Skyrmions and other chiral systems (metals, oxi-selenides etc.) and the search for topological strongly correlated insulators, especially in 4d and 5d TM compounds.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-106 Combined Studies of Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities
    Co-Chairs Nicolas Claiser, Javier Campo
    Invited Speakers Alan Pinkerton, Yoshiharu Sakurai, Jon Duffy
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, PM1
    Description Electron densities as studied by different techniques (Xray, magnetic Xray, polarized neutron diffraction, and Compton scattering (magnetic or not) ) and combination of the data sets provided by these techniques for refining a common model for the electron density.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-107 Applications of Powder Diffraction in the Pharmaceutical Industry
    Co-Chairs Mino Caira, Ian Williams
    Invited Speakers Kenneth Harris, Raj Suryanarayanan,
    Ann Newmann
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, PM1
    Description Polymorphism, co-crystals, stability studies and other applications.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography
    MS-108 Applications of Anomalous Small-angle X-ray Scattering
    Co-Chairs Lee Makowski, Armin Hoell
    Invited Speakers Narayanan Theyencheri, Lois Pollack,
    Rainer Lechner
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, PM1
    Description Anomalous SAXS can provide unique information in the study of materials. This session will focus on scientific activities and instrument developments in the study of broad classes of materials including amorphous materials, interfaces, energy related materials, charge distribution around macroions, porosity, nanoparticles and nanocomposites using ASAXS.
    Focus Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation
    MS-109 Chromatin and Epigenetics
    Co-Chairs Jinrong Min, Cheryl Arrowsmith
    Invited Speakers Jean-Francois Couture, Jianye Zang, Huang Ying
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, PM1
    Description This session will present structures and associated functional studies on chromatin, chromatin-remodeling systems, post-translational modifications involved in regulation of chromatin and in other epigenetic effects.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-110 Viruses and Viral Proteins
    Co-Chairs M.R.N. Murthy, Nuria Verdaguer
    Invited Speakers Michael G. Rossmann, Felix A. Rey,
    Fasseli Coulibaly
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, PM1
    Description This session will present recent structures and associated functional studies of viruses and proteins from viruses.
    Focus Biological Macromolecules
    MS-111 Surfaces
    Co-Chairs Joanne Stubbs, Jim Ciston
    Invited Speakers Daniel Schwarz, Christian Schlepuetz, Yuki Fukaya
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, PM1
    Description The focus of this session will be any and all methods of investigating the atomic structure of surfaces, ranging from those using electrons (TED, RHEED, LEED) to techniques using x-rays (e.g. SXRD) as well as other tools such as XPS, plus combinations with other tools such as probe microscopies.
    Focus Physical and/or Fundamental
    MS-112 New Approaches to Crystal Structure Prediction
    Co-Chairs Graeme Day
    Invited Speakers Sarah L. Price, Gregory Beran, Maciej Haranczyk
    Day and Time Tuesday August 12, PM1
    Description Methods and techniques that can be applied to either “organic” and/or “inorganic” structures are of interest here. Compare & contrast methods, predictions of stable compounds under ambient and non-ambient conditions, co-crystal stability, polymorph prediction and drug design, and related problems.
    Focus Chemical Crystallography/Instrumentation, Techniques and/or Computation



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