23rd Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography - 5 to 12 August 2014 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Home Page

Program/Scientific Program/Authors
Instructions for poster presenters

The recommended poster size is 0.76 m high x 1 m wide (30” x 40” landscape), and the maximum to be no larger than 1 m x 1 m (40” x 40”). The boards are made of a soft material that accepts Velcro tape. A supply of velcro tape will be available in the poster area for mounting your material.

Preparing your Poster

  • We encourage you to create a colorful and visually engaging poster.
  • Please include the abstract title at the top of the poster, as well as the names of all authors and their institutional affiliations. The characters in the title should be at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) in height. Include your contact information (usually an email address).
  • Everything on the poster, particularly drawings and charts, should be clear and simple to comprehend visually, not requiring any oral explanation.
  • Be sure that your overall message is clear and that adequate background material or results are presented to support the overall message.

Arrangements have been made with a local printer for those wishing to print their posters onsite. Full details and pricing (aussi disponible en français) are now available. In order to avoid a last-minute production bottleneck, all files must be received before Monday, 28 July 2014. Pick-up of printed material will begin on Tuesday, 5 August 2014.

Poster Sessions will be co-located with the exhibits in room 220cde. Posters are to be displayed for the entire session assigned – either Session A or Session B – as described below. Session A authors must mount their posters between 10:00-12:00 on Wednesday August 6 and remove them between 13:30 and 14:30 on August 8. Session B authors must mount their posters between 16:30 and 18:30 on August 8 and remove them on August 12. NOTE: there will be a room reset during PosterSession B only. While authors are NOT required to reset their posters, no poster tubes or other peripheral materials should be left in the vicinity on August 10.

All poster boards are located in one hall and are number consecutively. See session floorplans for more details. Authors are expected to be at their posters between 18:30-20:30 on the day of their presentation.

Session A posters on ODD numbered boards will be presented on August 6
Session A posters on EVEN numbered boards will be presented on August 7
Session B posters on ODD numbered boards will be presented on August 9
Session B posters on EVEN numbered boards will be presented on August 11

Session A
Posters on display August 6, 7 and 8 (am only)

  • MS01-MS44,
  • Other-Biological Macromolecules (BM),
  • Other-Chem.Cryst. (CC),
  • Other-Instrum. Techniques (IT)
Poster Presentations:
Wednesday, 6 August 2014

18:30 - 20:30
Odd Numbered Boards, e.g. MS01.P01.A1, MS43.P43.A467, BM.P07.A489,…
Poster Presentations: Thursday, 7 August 2014
18:30 -20:30
Even Numbered Boards, e.g. MS01.P02.A2, MS43.P44.A468, BM.P08.A490, …
Session B Posters on display August 8 (pm only) 9 and 11
  • MS45 - MS112,
  • Other-Materials (MM),
  • Other-Physical (PF),
  • Other-XAFS (XA)
Poster Presentations: Saturday, 9 August 2014 18:30 - 20:30 Odd Numbered Boards, e.g. MS48.P06.B31, MS103.P10.B605, MM.P13.B681, …
Poster Presentations: Monday, 11 August 2014 18:30 - 20:30 Even Numbered Boards, e.g. MS48.P07.B32, MS103.P11.B606, MM.P14.B682, …

Key to the Poster Numbering System

The number of the poster board assigned to individuals is listed in this program, in each poster abstract code:

i.e.: MS35.P02.A355 (C535)

MS35 P 02 A 355 (C535)
Microsymposium Indicates Poster, as opposed to “O” for Oral Sorting within each MS Indicates Session A or B Poster board number Publication page number

  1. https://www.endangeredrangers.com/
  2. https://www.hottestmominamerica.com/
  3. https://www.globalinstitutefortomorrow.com/
  4. https://craftymonkeys.org/
  5. https://thencta.com/
  6. https://helmutequipement.com/
  7. https://collegecitescolaire.com/
  8. https://katana-giapponese.com/
  9. https://pisciculturepaol.com/
  10. https://amipublic.com/
  11. https://bodyfitbra.com/
  12. https://anarchitektur.com/
  13. https://yevdes.org/
  14. https://www.madconf.com/
  15. https://drs2012bangkok.org/
  16. https://www.thawsilakehill.com/
  17. https://www.stlouisasla.org/
  18. https://ibcc2020.org/
  19. https://www.missoulaboxingclub.org/
  20. https://assembleedesassemblees.org/
  21. https://westviewguesthouse.com/
  22. https://www.etfa2014.org/
  23. https://www.etudes-romantiques.org/
  24. https://iucr2014.org/
  25. https://www.oxfordnj.org/
  26. https://www.ourrussianchurch.org/
  27. https://www.hyperacusis.org/
  28. https://www.enter2019.org/
  29. https://borealforestplatform.org/
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